Transforming today and eternity
God is doing incredible things through the Life Center and by giving, you become an important part of it. Your generosity provides meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and counseling for the distressed, but not only that. Your generosity enables us to share the hope of Jesus and His transforming power over broken lives. Your giving provides hope for a better today, tomorrow, and eternity.
WHAT Your donation DOES
Keeping the Lights On
Community Partners
Transforming communities Period
Every dollar you give is a tool for transforming
Stories of Transformation
Winnie and her husband were living in their car when they began stopping by the Life Center for snacks and coffee. They soon became participants in the Work-2-Earn program. Winnie later expressed concern for her safety, sharing about her husband’s verbal abuse, manipulation, and controlling behavior. We quickly helped Winnie find a shelter for female domestic violence victims and coordinated her journey there, giving her safety and space to make decisions about her future.
Jeff had been homeless and living in his car for 8 years, as his intellectual challenges and OCD diagnosis often made stability difficult. The Life Center resource navigation team coordinated with four other organizations to form a support team for Jeff and help him find permanent housing. Jeff is now living in his new apartment and continues to work with a job coach and a caseworker to ease his transition out of homelessness.
Jessica was homeless and struggling with an injured leg that was still unhealed from a previous surgery. She also had a colostomy bag, which, due to the unpredictability of life on the streets and the harsh outdoor elements, was difficult to maintain. We worked with Jessica’s family to create an action plan and helped Jessica enter a care facility. There, her leg was able to heal fully and she received more specialized support and housing.